How I Cut Our Amazon PPC Cost by 82.67% in One Month Boost Sales and Optimize Ad Spend with Precise Keyword Targeting

Brysen Packer
September 11, 2024

Our Amazon PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising costs went through the roof in August. Well over 100% ACOS. We spent way more than we earned, and it was time for a change. In just one month, I cut our advertising costs by 82.67%. Here’s how I did it.

The Problem

Our initial strategy involved targeting broad keywords. This meant our ads were shown to a large audience, but many of those people weren’t interested in our products. For example, we were advertising for “phone accessories,” which attracted clicks but not many sales. It was like casting a wide net but catching only a few fish. Our advertising costs were high, and our sales weren’t matching up.

The Solution: Switching to Exact Match Keywords

We needed to be more precise with our keyword targeting. Instead of broad keywords, I decided to focus on exact-match keywords. This way, our ads would only show up when someone searched for exactly what we were selling.

Analyzing Data

First, I analyzed our past campaign data. I looked at which keywords were driving sales and which were just costing us money. This helped me understand which terms were worth keeping and which we needed to drop.

Choosing Exact Match Keywords

Next, I selected exact match keywords. These keywords show our ads only when someone types in the same phrase. For instance, instead of “phone accessories,” I used “iPhone 12 case.” This meant our ads were now shown to people specifically looking for an iPhone 12 case, increasing the chances of a sale.

Testing and Tweaking

I didn’t stop there. I kept a close eye on our new exact-match keyword campaigns. I monitored the results daily, adjusting bids and pausing keywords that weren’t performing well. This constant tweaking ensured we only spent money on keywords that brought in sales.

The Results

Within a month, our advertising costs dropped by 82.67%. By focusing on exact-match keywords, we spent less money while attracting more customers ready to buy. Our sales increased, and our return on ad spend (ROAS) improved significantly.

Cutting our Amazon PPC costs wasn’t about spending less — it was about spending smarter. By shifting from broad to exact-match keywords, we targeted the right audience and maximized our ad budget. This strategy saved us money and boosted our sales and profitability.

If you’re struggling with high PPC costs, consider contacting us. We can build a custom keyword strategy for you at a fraction of the big Amazon PPC Manager’s cost.. Analyze your data, choose precise keywords, and keep testing. With a bit of effort and attention to detail, you, too, can see significant savings and better results.

By making these changes, we turned a losing campaign into a winning one. Our ads work harder for us, and our bottom line is much healthier. Give us a try, and watch your PPC costs shrink while your sales grow!

Tools of the trade and how to engage with me:

Helium 10

Carbon 6 PPCE

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